• Does anyone have a conversation chart for manhours to womanhours?

  • Don’t be the guy who brings finger guns to a thumb war.

  • Increasingly in Christian spaces the ‘it’s good to ask questions’ concept has become apparent. Asking questions means having an interest, and this is welcomed. Is asking questions welcome in non-religious political spaces? No one wants to look ignorant and hear “It’s not my job to educate you… “

  • How do they expect me to write a sermon when I can just listen to Evanescence whenever I want?

  • What was young John the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah doing while Jesus was quizzing the elders?

  • Two’s company, three’s a church.

  • The night is young, but we are not, so we’re staying home.

  • Personal cause for grief - starting a church service by saying ‘well, there aren’t many people here’ or words to that effect. Who are those words for?

  • The other day I typed ‘the gospel is lavish’ and spellcheck switched it to ‘the gospel is foolish’. Truth in spellcheck? 1 Cor 4:18

  • Jesus’ pronouns are lamb/chicken.

  • How do people from Yorkshire talk about twerking? (more to the point, why am I talking about twerking a decade late?)

  • Twerking hard, or hardly twerking, am I right?

  • Money can’t buy anything.

  • By ‘coping strategy’ do you mean ‘hidden bags of liquorice’?

  • Just realized we have no idea the species of any of the Mandalorians who have kept their helmets on. Season end reveal - they’re all Mon Calamari.

  • Petition to phase out the voiced ‘g’ in diagnosis. Don’t you think ‘di-ah-no-sis’ is more soothing and helpful for people facing health issues? But some of those people might be agnostics, in which case the hard ‘g’ might prompt them to anowledge their areas of inorance.

  • My affirmation for the day: “If I ever have to have a conflict with someone, I hope it is with you. You’re fair and honest. You get right to the point, cut through the bullshit, and then you’re gracious and inviting.”

  • One of my favourite palimpsest moments (if that’s the right term) is when the formatting in an email shifts abruptly because someone has copy-pasted something and kept typing. Often it is the spelling of a name, or a detail of time or address, speaking of a wish for clarity in uncertainty.

  • Me: don’t confuse Richard Rohr with Richard Rahl. Don’t confuse Richard Rohr with Richard Rahl… Also me: As the noted Enneagram expert and Franciscan priest Richard Rohr said, “Verification of the truth of the words of the Book of Counted Shadows can only be insured by the use of a Confessor.”

  • Don’t judge an email by its preview line.

  • Sorry to say, but I find it almost irresistable to read Romans 16 in Mr Trump’s voice.

  • Try to use I language when discussing conflict, to allowing your own feelings to be clear, and not absolute. Use ‘when you: I felt’.

    For example: When you ‘swung your fist’, I felt ‘punched in the nose’.

  • In a world of sheep, be a sweater.

  • Anything is possible but almost everything is highly unlikely.

  • Jesus is the reason for the treason.

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