• You can have a little kinkshaming, as a treat.

  • But what if your kink is being shamed?

  • That moment when you reach the point in event planning of writing gracious ‘thank you for telling me’ emails to various people who are backing out. It’s sincere, but regrettable, and I want to let people know that they will be missed, being kind, just as I would want.

  • Whatever happened to false teeth? When I was a kid I heard about false teeth all the time, but they don’t seem to be a thing any more.

  • Lord, Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me, Ensnared since birth.

  • youtu.be/ofijY6M-O… Kenyan Ambassador speaks of African experience and the promise it can offer to Ukraine.

  • One of the weirdest things about police response to the Ottawa blockade was seeing that singer-songwriter Steve Bell is interim police chief. Currently off Facebook, so this obscure joke must langush here where no-one will get it, but also where no one will make it before me.

  • What if instead of adverts, it was art? Not saying that adverts can’t be art, but what if a whole vast mobilization of shared resources was focused on decorating our shared spaces with artistic response and creation.

  • Reading ‘Indigenous Resistance Against Carbon’, the report on how land defence has stopped or delayed up to ¼ of North America’s carbon emissions over the last decade. I wish rich people would make noise over the money spent on policing, protecting extractivism.

  • Groundhog Day, and, Presentation of the Lord. I can make that make sense.

  • “I suspect that capitalism is a system that’s main product is the production of sociopaths” Thomas King, 2020 www.cbc.ca/radio/ide…

  • This just in - I am now old enough to answer a question about how relevant something is ‘at my time of life’ I have a time of life: ‘past it’.

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